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SKIN: A Matter of Race in America

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Agent Contact: S. Price


My Story

A. P. Brooks was born in Atlanta, Georgia and grew up during the 60's and 70's. At a very young age, her mother introduced books into the home. Not just ordinary books for children but books that exposed her to different cultures and people, allowing her to explore the world without leaving the bedroom. She was perfectly satisfied occupying a space surrounded by reading materials from Archie comics to the history of Beethoven. This love of books sparked an interest in writing and her unique style revealed a talent for extracting emotion from words. Recognizing this talent, her elementary school teacher submitted one of her poems to a national magazine for children. In college, she continued her life course in writing by studying journalism. Most of her adult career has been in marketing and sales; most notably, she completed a special project on behalf of the U.S. First Lady, Laura Bush, in April 2008. The book SKIN is a culmination of years of research and writing that has taken Mrs. Brooks on her own personal journey of healing and discovery. Her Christian faith, wonderful husband, two children, and two grandchildren are the center of her life.


THE INCEPTION. Race as we know it today. It defines, as well as, divides us. Furrowed deep within the contour lines of our racial perceptions are social nuances we ascribe to every stroke of skin color. We afford to race the power to decide human intelligence, beauty and even moral goodness. We have created a truth or at least, a reality to every shade of skin. Race can affirm or deny. It is a measuring rod, determining who is good or bad and whom we should hate or revere. For almost as long as our inception as a nation, Americans have worn these attitudes like a favored old garment with each generation providing fecund to keep it going. This is not to say that our social biases are insular. On the contrary, ideals like these have existed in societies around the world and throughout history, we find a shared consorter of sorts. One not necessarily connected to skin color, but nonetheless, torn from the same broadcloth and extending from the same thought process. Such ideals have caused great divisiveness; building walls of separation between people within a society and the reasons are as age old as class, religion, and geography–---a big fuss over a little piece of land. And history shows us all too well, how one voice ratcheting up fury over one of these ideals can lead to mass violence. Certainly, such social intolerances exist anywhere there is a lack of compassion and understanding. Still, Americans do hold a distinction in this area. To be sure, our use of race based on skin color as a means to hate and discriminate, even more so, as an evolutionary benchmark is a uniquely modern concept.


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“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quote marks has a powerful effect on customers and makes them more likely to trust you.” 


“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quote marks has a powerful effect on customers and makes them more likely to trust you.” 


“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quote marks has a powerful effect on customers and makes them more likely to trust you.” 


“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quote marks has a powerful effect on customers and makes them more likely to trust you.” 


“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quote marks has a powerful effect on customers and makes them more likely to trust you.” 


“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quote marks has a powerful effect on customers and makes them more likely to trust you.” 


“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quote marks has a powerful effect on customers and makes them more likely to trust you.” 


This is why God put

A. P. Brooks on this earth to write this book!

--Pastor Price

SKIN is very interesting and very elightening. -- J. Taylor

People are talking about this book, it's gonna be big!

-- Sherry


Intended to answer the question of where, how and why, human beings decided to assign importance to each other's skin color...with an extensive bibliography included and illustrative quotes from historians, researchers and historical figures sprinkled throughout the text...VERDICT: A wide-reaching collection of ideas from a creative thinker... -- National Library Journal

GREAT BOOK! It reminds me of the book that is purchased and placed on the coffee table that's called a "conversation piece". Those are usually meant to spark some light dialog with guest that are visiting while sipping coffee. SKIN on the other hand is not a book filled with pictures to start light dialog, it's filled with words that are constructed to start the conversation about race, the elephant in the American room that we keep walking around and trying to avoid. It forces the dialog because you cannot read it and not talk about it. Great book and very enlightening! -- G. Lockett

My husband, a historian, says history is written from the victor's point of view, somewhat cynically.  That is not what A. P. Brooks has done. She has written a historical, research based study from the point of view of an anthropologist, a gifted writer, a fact-checking reporter, a teacher, a preacher, and anything BUT that romanticized nationalist who gives us heroes to worship, rather than expose the misguided notions of one's own people. She sets up a curious idea without romanticizing it... -- R. Walker  

I've had the opportunity to interview Author A.P. Brooks and this magnificent book is like a encyclopedia! It's full of rich history and it digs deep in humankind history! SKIN digs deep into each race history! No judging just speaking the truth! This book should be taught in grade school and colleges!

-- T. Goodwin

A person is not prepared to intelligently discuss racial matters if he is not familiar with the material in this book by A. P. Brooks -- F. Schultz



Cultural Tapestry

value what's yours

West Africa -- Timbuktu
Rehotep and nefert
Narmer First Pharaoh in Egypt
Egyptian women
Egyptian Princess related to Akhenaten
Facebook jpg of Languages
Khufu Pyramid
Queen Elizabeth
Frederick Douglass
African empire_edited
trans alantic slave trade
Akhenaten III
Black Plague_edited_edited
Bounty for harriet tubman
english serfs
Black Union Soldiers II_edited_edited_edited
Hitler World War II

1. Mosque - Timbucktoo; 2. Egyptian Princess - Family of King Akh; 3. Princess Rehotep and Princess Nefert (c2620, BC); 4. Amenhotep III - 1st. Egyptian Pharoah; 5. King Akhenaten; 6. Egyptian Royalty;

7. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian Coptic, Hebrew Languages; 8. Black Plague; Charles Darwin; 9. Giza Pyramids; 10. Anglo predial slavery; 11. Queen Elizabeth; 12. Moor Army; 13. Frederick Douglass; 14. West African Dynasty; 15. Abraham Lincloln; 16. Trans Atlantic slave trade; 17. Wanted poster - 40k Bounty, Harriet Tubman (millions today); 18. Black Civil War Union Regimen; 19. Hitler


History         Id

BUY A BOOK,GROW A MINDA group of 9th-12th grade students were asked, “If you don’t know your HISTORY,then...?” In earnest, they replied: “I cannot know what I’m capable of”; “I don’t know what to look forward to”; “I have a blank understanding of myself” &“My identity is lost”. These students realize the direct correlation between knowing ones' relevant HISTORY, personal IDENTITY and a promising FUTURE. Public schools however, are challenged by a lack of historical inclusivity, having a singular-mode-approach. As a grassroots group of volunteer professionals, we are introducing students to the History Id program utilizing a history/research book called SKIN: A Matter of Race in America by A. P. Brooks. Results have been transformative as students reconnect to a historical identity that results in a more positive self awareness while gaining a better understanding of their shared relationship to all humanity. 




Jan. 2016  -  Jan. 2016 - A Woman’s Place on AIBTV Interview with Angela Rice

April,  2015    -   Keynote Speaker,”The March [on Selma] Continues”, Woodruff Library at Clark,Spelman and Morehouse Colleges

March, 2014 - Participating Author,“Telling Our Stories”, Woodruff Library at Clark, Spelman and Morehouse Colleges
Media - Channel 57 TV - Sarah Hurd Show; AIB TV - A Woman’s Place Show; WFRG FM Radio; LOVE 86 AM Radio;; Clayton News Daily newspaper


Sept. 27th. 2-4 Open Discussion and Book Signing - South Fulton Library
Sept. 7th. 2-4pm Open Discussion and Book Signing - Clayton Cty Headquarters Library
Feb. 16th. - 2:00pm  Panel Discussiion - MLK 50th. Anniversary of the March on Washington  
March, 2013 - Participating Author,“Telling Our Stories”, Woodruff Library at Clark, Spelman and Morehouse Colleges

Dec.     8th  -  10am- 2pm 2012 SWAC Book Festival - Southwest Arts Center & Performance Theatre & Gallery
Dec.     7th  -  10:30am Females With A Mission Int. Radio w/Host Andrea L. Griggs
Nov.   17th  -  2-4pm APEX MUSEUM 135 Auburn Ave., - Downtown Atl.
Nov.   13th  -  6-8pm Lovejoy Library, Hampton  
Nov.     7th  -  6:30pm Clayton College & State Univ - Main Campus (closed to public) 
Sept.  27th  -  6-8pm, Barnes & Noble located at 342 Newnan Crossing Bypass in Newnan  
Aug.   19th  -  5-7pm, Urban Grind Coffee House located at 962 Marietta St. in Atl. 
Aug.   12th  -  Higher Living Christian Church in McDonough 
Aug.     3rd  -  11:00am, WRFG 89.3 FM Radio
July    21st  -  12-2pm, Southwest Branch Library, Atl.  
July    14th  -  12-2pm, Headquarters Library, Jonesboro 

Calendar and Events
B&N Booksigning Peg and Schultz
Book Signing at Higher Living Church
Book Signing Barnes & Noble Newnan
pic Barnes & Noble Blackflowers fiance
Pic of Barnes n Noble Newnan GA
pic of Gavin at booksigning Higher Living
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